Real-time 3D engine, in Ada, based on OpenGL. Ada Programming. GL, VRML, 3D Studio Max, GMax.

Added multitexturing
GLOBE_3D stands for
GL Object Based Engine for 3D.
GL stands for Graphics Library, created by SGI.
SGI stands for Silicon Graphics, Inc. .
Short description:
GLOBE_3D is a free, open-source, real-time 3D Engine written in Ada, based on OpenGL.
Some click(s) of some
mouse button
to (re)play!
More videos on YouTube:
Click images to enlarge
GLOBE_3D's GL layer used for biocomputing imaging.
Link to site here.
3D screenshots from demos included in the GLOBE_3D project download:
← ← click here for more screenshots!
- unconditionally portable sources (one set of sources for all platforms)
- real-time rendering; fast with a 3D hardware-accelerated graphics card
- full eye movements and rotations
- displays combinations of colours, materials, textures
- transparency
- multitexturing (diffuse + specular)
- multiple area rendering with the portal technique, e.g. for inner scenes
- collision detection
- binary space partition (BSP)
- input-output of 3D objects or groups of objects linked to each other by portals
- easy management of resources like textures (.bmp, .tga, .jpg, .gif, .png), BSP trees and objects, stored in .zip files
- screenshots (.bmp) and video captures (.avi)
- multi-view support
- vectorized geometry support
- randomly extruded surface generator
- Export from Blender through Wavefront (.obj / .mtl) models and the o2g tool
- VRML virtual world compiler, through the wrl2ada translator
- GMax /
3D Studio Max
scene exporter & compiler, through the max2ada translator
- Compilation of game maps or levels from the
Doom 3,
Quake 4
or GTK Radiant level editors
through the d3a (to Ada) translator or the d3g (to .g3d) tool.
The archive contains:
- a ready-to-run demo built for Windows
- the tools mentioned above
- bindings to GL / OpenGL, GLU and FreeGLUT
- a single, standalone and complete set of Ada sources, successfully
built on the following system / cpu / compiler combinations:
OS | CPU | Compiler |
MS Windows 64-bit | AMD/Intel x64 | GNU - GNAT |
MS Windows 32-bit | Intel x86 |
MS Windows 64-bit | AMD/Intel x64 | PTC ObjectAda |
MS Windows 32-bit | Intel x86 |
Linux 64-bit | AMD/Intel x64 | GNU - GNAT |
Linux 32-bit | Intel x86 |
Linux on PS3 | Cell (64 bit) |
Mac OS X | PowerPC (64 bit) |
Mac OS X | Intel (64 bit) |
OpenBSD | (one of several) |
For any other system, GLOBE_3D should work provided that the system supports (Open)GL and GLU.
Availability of FreeGLUT or OpenGLUT is needed only for the demo.
I welcome your scripts, makefiles etc.
Source web pages automatically generated by gnathtml (GNAT).
Related projects:
- A swarm simulation developped at the Australian National University,
Research School of Computer Science,
Concurrent & Distributed Systems,
using GLOBE_3D as a 3D framework: here
- GID (Generic Image Decoder): here
- Zip-Ada (used for map and texture libraries in GLOBE_3D): here
- Other Ada bindings to OpenGL: OpenGLAda
- Yet other (older) Ada bindings to OpenGL: AdaOpenGL
The author's blog can be read here.
For a little sponsoring...
For any news, change logs, support requests, update informations: visit the
project on SourceForge!