Back to... GLOBE_3D

Source file :

-- Actors --

-- Change log:
-- GM 18-May-2008: Changed from Ego to Actors: object-oriented,
--   no more ego-centric, esp.: globals removed, wrapping Actor type...

with Game_control, GLOBE_3D;

package Actors is

  -- Translations --

  procedure Translation(
    actor         : in out GLOBE_3D.Camera;
    gc            : Game_control.Command_set;
    gx,gy         : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    unitary_change: GLOBE_3D.Real;
    deceleration  : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    time_step     : GLOBE_3D.Real

  -- Limiting modifies a translation step, e.g. due to collision detection.
    with procedure Limiting(step: in out GLOBE_3D.Vector_3D);
  procedure Limited_Translation(
    actor         : in out GLOBE_3D.Camera;
    gc            : Game_control.Command_set;
    gx,gy         : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    unitary_change: GLOBE_3D.Real;
    deceleration  : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    time_step     : GLOBE_3D.Real

  -- Rotations --

  procedure Rotation(
    actor         : in out GLOBE_3D.Camera;
    gc            : Game_control.Command_set;
    gx,gy         : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    unitary_change: GLOBE_3D.Real;
    deceleration  : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    time_step     : GLOBE_3D.Real

  -- Version with a vector of angles in radians
  procedure Abstract_rotation(
    gc            : Game_control.Command_set;
    gx,gy         : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    unitary_change: GLOBE_3D.Real;
    deceleration  : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    vector        : in out GLOBE_3D.Vector_3D;
    time_step     : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    rotation_speed: in out GLOBE_3D.Vector_3D

  -- Version with a rotation matrix
  procedure Abstract_rotation(
    gc            : Game_control.Command_set;
    gx,gy         : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    unitary_change: GLOBE_3D.Real;
    deceleration  : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    matrix        : in out GLOBE_3D.Matrix_33;
    time_step     : GLOBE_3D.Real;
    rotation_speed: in out GLOBE_3D.Vector_3D

end Actors;

GLOBE_3D: Ada library for real-time 3D rendering. Ada programming.