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Source file :

--  GL.Frustums
--  Copyright (c) Rod Kay 2016
--  Permission granted to:
--  1/ use this library, without any warranty, for any purpose;
--  2/ modify this library's sources (specification, body of this
--     package and of child packages on which it depends) in any
--     way, with an appropriate commenting of changes;
--  3/ copy and distribute this library's sources without restriction,
--     provided this copyright note remains attached and unmodified.

with GL.Geometry;

package GL.Frustums is

   type plane_Id is (Left, Right, High, Low, Near, Far);

   type plane_Array is array (plane_Id) of GL.Geometry.Plane;

   procedure normalise (the_Planes : in out plane_Array);

   function current_Planes return plane_Array;
   -- Returns the frustum planes calculated from the current GL projection and modelview matrices.

end GL.Frustums;

GLOBE_3D: Ada library for real-time 3D rendering. Ada programming.