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Source file : globe_3d-math.adb

with GL.Math;

package body GLOBE_3D.Math is

  use GL, GL.Math, REF;

  -- Matrices --

  function "*"(A,B: Matrix_33) return Matrix_33 is
    r: Real; AB: Matrix_33;
    for i in 1..3 loop
      for j in 1..3 loop
        r:= 0.0;
        for k in 1..3 loop
          r:= r + (A(i,k) * B(k,j));
        end loop;
        AB(i,j):= r;
      end loop;
    end loop;
    return AB;
  end "*";

  function "*"(A: Matrix_33; x: Vector_3D) return Vector_3D is
    r: Real;
    Ax: Vector_3D;
    -- banana skin: Matrix has range 1..3, Vector 0..2 (GL)
    for i in 1..3 loop
      r:= 0.0;
      for j in 1..3 loop
          r:= r + A(i,j) * x(j-1);
      end loop;
      Ax(i-1):= r;
    end loop;
    return Ax;
  end "*";

  function "*"(A: Matrix_44; x: Vector_3D) return Vector_3D is
    r: Real;

      type Vector_4D is array (0..3) of GL.Double;
      x_4D : constant Vector_4D := (x(0), x(1), x(2) , 1.0);
      Ax   : Vector_4D;

    -- banana skin: Matrix has range 1..3, Vector 0..2 (GL)
    for i in 1..4 loop
      r:= 0.0;
      for j in 1..4 loop
          r:= r + A(i,j) * x_4D(j-1);
      end loop;
      Ax(i-1):= r;
    end loop;
    return (Ax (0), Ax (1), Ax(2));
  end "*";

  function "*"(A: Matrix_44; x: Vector_3D) return Vector_4D is
    r: Real;

      x_4D : constant Vector_4D := (x(0), x(1), x(2) , 1.0);
      Ax   : Vector_4D;

    -- banana skin: Matrix has range 1..3, Vector 0..2 (GL)
    for i in 1..4 loop
      r:= 0.0;
      for j in 1..4 loop
          r:= r + A(i,j) * x_4D(j-1);
      end loop;
      Ax(i-1):= r;
    end loop;
    return Ax;
  end "*";

  function Transpose(A: Matrix_33) return Matrix_33 is
    return ( (A(1,1),A(2,1),A(3,1)),
  end Transpose;

  function Transpose(A: Matrix_44) return Matrix_44 is
    return ( (A(1,1),A(2,1),A(3,1),A(4,1)),
  end Transpose;

  function Det(A: Matrix_33) return Real is
      A(1,1) * A(2,2) * A(3,3) +
      A(2,1) * A(3,2) * A(1,3) +
      A(3,1) * A(1,2) * A(2,3) -
      A(3,1) * A(2,2) * A(1,3) -
      A(2,1) * A(1,2) * A(3,3) -
      A(1,1) * A(3,2) * A(2,3);
  end Det;

  function XYZ_rotation(ax,ay,az: Real) return Matrix_33 is
    Mx, My, Mz: Matrix_33; c,s: Real;
    -- Around X
    c:= Cos( ax );
    s:= Sin( ax );
    Mx:= ( (1.0,0.0,0.0),
           (0.0,  c, -s),
           (0.0,  s,  c) );
    -- Around Y
    c:= Cos( ay );
    s:= Sin( ay );
    My:= ( (  c,0.0, -s),
           (  s,0.0,  c) );
    -- Around Z
    c:= Cos( az );
    s:= Sin( az );
    Mz:= ( (  c, -s,0.0),
           (  s,  c,0.0),
           (0.0,0.0,1.0) );

    return Mz * My * Mx;

  end XYZ_rotation;

  function XYZ_rotation(v: Vector_3D) return Matrix_33 is
    return XYZ_rotation(v(0),v(1),v(2));
  end XYZ_rotation;

  function Look_at(direction: Vector_3D) return Matrix_33 is
    v1, v2, v3: Vector_3D;
    -- GL's look direction is the 3rd dimension (z)
    v3:= Normalized(direction);
    v2:= Normalized((v3(2),0.0,-v3(0)));
    v1:= v2 * v3;
  end Look_at;

  function sub_Matrix (Self : in Matrix;   start_Row, end_Row : in Positive;
                                           start_Col, end_Col : in Positive) return Matrix
     the_sub_Matrix : Matrix (1 .. end_Row - start_Row + 1,
                              1 .. end_Col - start_Col + 1);
     for Row in the_sub_Matrix'Range (1) loop
        for Col in the_sub_Matrix'Range (2) loop
           the_sub_Matrix (Row, Col) := Self (Row + start_Row - 1,
                                              Col + start_Col - 1);
        end loop;
     end loop;

     return the_sub_Matrix;
  end sub_Matrix;

  function Look_at (eye, center, up : Vector_3D) return Matrix_33
     forward : constant Vector_3D := Normalized ((center (0) - eye (0),  center (1) - eye (1),  center (2) - eye (2)));
     side    : constant Vector_3D := Normalized (forward * up);
     new_up  : constant Vector_3D := side * forward;
     return (( side    (0),    side    (1),    side    (2)),
             ( new_up  (0),    new_up  (1),    new_up  (2)),
             (-forward (0),   -forward (1),   -forward (2)));
  end Look_at;

  -- Following procedure is from Project Spandex, by Paul Nettle
  procedure Re_Orthonormalize(M: in out Matrix_33) is
    dot1,dot2,vlen: Real;
    dot1:= M(1,1) * M(2,1) + M(1,2) * M(2,2) + M(1,3) * M(2,3);
    dot2:= M(1,1) * M(3,1) + M(1,2) * M(3,2) + M(1,3) * M(3,3);

    M(1,1) := M(1,1) - dot1 * M(2,1) - dot2 * M(3,1);
    M(1,2) := M(1,2) - dot1 * M(2,2) - dot2 * M(3,2);
    M(1,3) := M(1,3) - dot1 * M(2,3) - dot2 * M(3,3);

    vlen:= 1.0 / Sqrt(M(1,1) * M(1,1) +
                      M(1,2) * M(1,2) +
                      M(1,3) * M(1,3));

    M(1,1):= M(1,1) * vlen;
    M(1,2):= M(1,2) * vlen;
    M(1,3):= M(1,3) * vlen;

    dot1:= M(2,1) * M(1,1) + M(2,2) * M(1,2) + M(2,3) * M(1,3);
    dot2:= M(2,1) * M(3,1) + M(2,2) * M(3,2) + M(2,3) * M(3,3);

    M(2,1) := M(2,1) - dot1 * M(1,1) - dot2 * M(3,1);
    M(2,2) := M(2,2) - dot1 * M(1,2) - dot2 * M(3,2);
    M(2,3) := M(2,3) - dot1 * M(1,3) - dot2 * M(3,3);

    vlen:= 1.0 / Sqrt(M(2,1) * M(2,1) +
                      M(2,2) * M(2,2) +
                      M(2,3) * M(2,3));

    M(2,1):= M(2,1) * vlen;
    M(2,2):= M(2,2) * vlen;
    M(2,3):= M(2,3) * vlen;

    M(3,1):= M(1,2) * M(2,3) - M(1,3) * M(2,2);
    M(3,2):= M(1,3) * M(2,1) - M(1,1) * M(2,3);
    M(3,3):= M(1,1) * M(2,2) - M(1,2) * M(2,1);
  end Re_Orthonormalize;

  type Matrix_44 is array(0..3,0..3) of aliased Real; -- for GL.MultMatrix
  pragma Convention(Fortran, Matrix_44);  -- GL stores matrices columnwise

  M: Matrix_44;
  -- M is a global variable for a clean 'Access and for setting once 4th dim
  pM: constant GL.doublePtr:= M(0,0)'Unchecked_Access;

  procedure Multiply_GL_Matrix( A: Matrix_33 ) is
    for i in 1..3 loop
      for j in 1..3 loop
        M(i-1,j-1):= A(i,j);
        --  Funny deformations...
        --  if j=2 then
        --    M(i-1,j-1):= 0.5 * A(i,j);
        --  end if;
      end loop;
    end loop;
  end Multiply_GL_Matrix;

  procedure Set_GL_Matrix( A: Matrix_33 ) is
    Multiply_GL_Matrix( A );
  end Set_GL_Matrix;

  for i in 0..2 loop
    M(i,3):= 0.0;
    M(3,i):= 0.0;
  end loop;
  M(3,3):= 1.0;
end GLOBE_3D.Math;

GLOBE_3D: Ada library for real-time 3D rendering. Ada programming.