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Source file :

--  Central (to the whole application) texture register

package GLOBE_3D.Textures is

  -- The textures are stored by GL in that way:
  --   an image <-> a number (Image_ID)
  -- To complete this, and facilitate things, GLOBE_3D adds the
  -- following associations:
  --   a number (Image_ID) ->
  --      a record (Texture_info) with an image name
  --      and whether the image was already stored into GL
  --      (images can be loaded on first use, or preloaded)
  --      and other infos
  --   an image name -> a number (Image_ID)
  -- Names are case insensitive!

  -- Here are three ways of registering the texture names that GLOBE_3D --
  -- will find in the resource files. You can use any mix of these      --
  -- methods at your convenience.                                       --

  -- a) Texture-by-texture name association --
  -- Free way of associating names. E.g., the texture name list could be
  -- simply stored on a text file, or obtained by a "dir"-like operation.
  -- The system associates a name to a texture id that it finds itself.

  procedure Add_texture_name( name: String; id: out Image_ID );

  -- b) Texture name association by searching the .zip data --
  --    resource files for images                           --
  -- For "real life" programs which don't know of the data.
  -- Allows subdirectories in resource ('/' or '\' in names)
  -- and a flexible management.
  -- The texture name list is obtained by traversing the directory of
  -- both .zip data resource files, searching for images (anyway, the
  -- textures are read from there!).
  -- The zip name(s) must be set first with
  -- GLOBE_3D.Set_level_data_name, GLOBE_3D.Set_global_data_name

  procedure Register_textures_from_resources;

  -- c) Texture name association through an enumarated type --
  -- For test or demo programs.
  -- Easy, reliable, but: static, hard-coded and disallowing a
  -- directory structure.

    type Texture_enum is (<>);
  procedure Associate_textures;

  -- When texture names are registered, you have the following tools --

  -- - Recall a texture's ID by its name - you may need it to define objects' faces.
  function Texture_ID( name: String ) return Image_ID;
  Texture_name_not_found: exception;

  -- - Recall a texture's name
  function Texture_name( id: Image_ID; trim: Boolean ) return Ident;

  -- Check if the texture image has been loaded and load it if needed.
  -- This is done automatically, but you may want to force the loading
  -- of the images before beginning to display.
  procedure Check_2D_texture(id: Image_ID; blending_hint: out Boolean);
  -- variant for situations where the blending information doesn't matter:
  procedure Check_2D_texture(id: Image_ID);
  -- same, but for all textures.
  procedure Check_all_textures;

  Undefined_texture_ID  : exception;  --  raised by Texture_name or Check_2D_texture

  function Valid_texture_ID(id: Image_ID) return Boolean;

  -- - Erase the present texture collection
  --   (names, GL ID's, evenutally loaded images)
  procedure Reset_textures;

end GLOBE_3D.Textures;

GLOBE_3D: Ada library for real-time 3D rendering. Ada programming.